Monday, August 24, 2009

People who involved in snetch theft

Hai again...Anis here....

About the people that have potential to be a snetch theft,I suppose it's more to persons who have financial problems,undicipline student,a group of people that has bad influenced, jobless people and of course there has a group that called "mat rempit".

It's easy to say,why you were become a snetch theft?We don't actually kow their problems. Then,they has problem, why you choose to be like this?Is there no other way?that's will appearred from society or the question will come out from polica officer whan they investigated about them.

1 comment:

  1. Haii anis,its me Sakinah..I am attracted to your post..I think you have given such a good point for this topic.The point that you give is about the people who are involved in the snatch theft.I like to talk about what you have written that the most potential people is the people who are facing the financial problem and undiscipline students..I agree with your statement but I think that you must elaborate your point.About the people whho are having a financial problem,I think they are doing those thing to make sure they can solve their problem.This group maybe to desperate because they might be borrowing some money with "along" or anything else that related.this situation will make them lose control and doing something bad.Sometimes,they might be doing this because they do not want the group of "along" to hurt their children or family if they dont pay them.About the undisciplinary students,I think they are doing those thing because they are a group of teenager that do not know what is the thing that they should and do not do.They also too stubborn and do not want to follow what are their parents and teachers told.They always want to do the thing that everyone forbid.
