Friday, October 9, 2009

people that involved in santch theft

Hai...Anis here.I want to add some item more about snatch theft.Who is that could be the culprit?

First,the group that we call "mat rempit". We can see that mat rempit always passing go and come on the road. What exactly they do?No one knows.when this group of guys saw someone that walking alone, the mt rempit usually will disturb that person. Maybe that can be thought as a prank for this group but not for the victim.They will feel that the road that just taking that time not safe anymore to use.As we know mat rempit will do bad activities like having an illegal racing to collect some money or they were challenge to do it.When they were out of money, they will find some way to get snatch people.
Then, the snatch theft also included people that were taking drugs. They was so many kind of drugs, for example, heroin,alcohol,cocaine,ecstasy and mores. Heroin for instance have highly addictive opiate that cause brain cells become dependent on this drug.The users of this drug will make them depend on it in order ti function well in their daily life.Of course, to get drugs they need money, to get money...what they do?snatch people or sometime robbed their own family members.Thats What always occur in this recent life.
Unemployed person included in snatch theft category that always doing something useless in their life.When they have nothing to do,they go out looking for entertainment that could be snatching.Although not all of it, unemployed make some life bored and they do some activities that cheer them up.

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